A young guy came up to me yesterday and asked me for a band-aid, actually two. I was in the middle of patching up my own shoe torn ankles. He spoke quietly and I didn't understand much of what he said. I wanted to say, "I have to go" but it seemed he had heard too many "sorrys" that day. He didn't ask for money but had no place to sleep and nothing to stay warm. We walked, now that our feet didn't hurt as much, and talked about his struggles with faith. I listened and shared what I knew. But he didn't ask for much, just two band-aids for his feet.
muir woods
for a while, i have wanted to make this trip across the Golden Gate Bridge to the redwood filled Muir Woods. Today seemed to be the right day. I had my plan, get some food & cash at Trader Joe's, take the streetcar downtown, catch a bus that would take me over the bridge to Marin City and then take the shuttle to Muir Woods. oi. the whole venture to get there estimated at one & a half to two hours. so i'm eating my breakfast, talkin with my roomate and find out that her friend was leaving for Marin City from our house in just a few minutes and going to the exact location I needed to catch the shuttle to Marin. Awesome! Who would've thought...
He drops me off and I go into a drug store so I can get the food and cash for the bus fare, entrance fees etc. I gather all my little snacks and walk confidently to the register. And then my steps start slowing as I realize I have left my bank card and ID & cash all at home! They never made the transfer to my backpack. I'm in shock. did everything work out so perfectly just to have it end now? So put all the food back and leave.
My roomate doesn't answer her phone and I didn't know where her friend worked, so i start walking around the area, hoping i would see his car. i stop and check my bag one last time, hmm, I did have my checkbook, but no ID, didn't think it would work but it was worth a shot.
The manager was hesitate, I had absolutely nothing else in my bag with my name on it to help verify my id! It looked like such a scam. In the end, he was gracious, perhaps me being female and looking so forlorn had something to do with it and let me write a check for $10 over my purchase.
I walk to the bus stop and soon see my roomates friend waving from across the street in front of his office. I go tell him my little tale and wait until the shuttle arrives. And off I go!
Oh yes, and Muir Woods was beautiful! I went on a more challeging trail off the beaten path hoping for some good alone time in the woods with me, my camera, and the One who made the whole thing work out despite my stupidity.
pictures at a later day...
Posted by
Tracy A. Wieler
8:53 PM
You are not safe but you love me
I say I trust but still I fear
I will stand though my heart fails me
I will give you what I have even though it is broken
Posted by
Tracy A. Wieler
7:52 AM
just a road
all there is is a road
no directions, so signs showing what is up ahead,
no trees or resting place
just a road
i keep walking
i don't know where I am going
I just hope that one day things will make sense
because right now all I know
is that there is a road
Posted by
Tracy A. Wieler
8:22 AM
This weekend there was a festival in Japantown. And who did I see chilling at the stage, front row seat, but the old lady that was getting down at the R&B festival a week earlier. This time the music included some Haiwian dances and good old hip hop and probably some others that I missed. She was there bobbing her head and tapping her feet.
where will she show up next...
Posted by
Tracy A. Wieler
8:31 AM
photo fun
For those who think that I am dignified and reserved...
my partner in crime...charissa

Posted by
Tracy A. Wieler
8:11 AM
I picked up a new cd (rachel yamagata) yesterday and after listening to it I was convinced I had heard this before. It reminded me strongly of a woman I went to hear shortly after I got to San Francisco(jesse sykes). Despite the obvious name difference, their voices and styles, even their looks are similar. Deep husky voice, long dark hair, and mellow angst-filled music. One disappointment in rachel's CD though was the lack of variety in theme. All had some guy-girl relationship issue. There's more to life than that. Like the music though - it is relaxing. At jesse's performance I even ended up dozing a bit and I'm not a person to fall asleep just anywhere. Of course, a margarita might have had something to do with that too :)
In the end, Lamb - Fear of Fours - is still on the top of my chart.
Posted by
Tracy A. Wieler
10:34 AM
This weekend I had the opportunity to spend some time with my roommate. Her dad was DJing at a small Blues Festival in downtown San Francisco. The highlight of the event - a lady that must have been in her late 70's or 80's, who was jamming to the music. Her physical range was not great, she even used a cane when she walked, but when the music played she danced with all she had.
Posted by
Tracy A. Wieler
7:46 AM
...and then there are days when the sun doesn't seem so bright.
It touches everything but all that can be seen are shadows.
...there are days where "Just be happy!" brings tears,
and the concept of fun is an empty and foreign notion.
...there are days where the only purpose seems a mere validation of existence
and activity is a duty from which to derive a form of self-improvement.
...and then again there are days when solutions are not the answer
and it is not up to you to lift the veil.
headset output: The Arrogant Worms
The Vestibules
mood: improving
Posted by
Tracy A. Wieler
7:38 AM
stern grove

My third architecture exam is done and gone as of 10 this morning. Well...I hope so, wouldn't want to have to study for that again.
The new thing I saw/did this weekend - attended opera in a park. The park, called Stern Grove was more like a forest, or as appropriately named, a grove. Tall trees and a descent to the main stage. If we had not just come from the outside we would have no indication that we were in the middle of a huge metropolitan area. Beautiful place. Oh and the music was great too!
Posted by
Tracy A. Wieler
1:37 PM