

I walk, yet my legs threaten to give way. I long to sing with joy but only mourning escapes my mouth. I look for truth, but it has become difficult to distinguish it from lies. I beg for mercy yet continue to be assailed on every side. Hope is whispered in my ear but I am sinking. I stand to fight but my assailant is unseen stricking me where I am most vulnerable. Lies pour down and cover me with despair. I ask for eyes to see that which is and that which is not. I turn to find my comrade, the one with the power to fight, also bloodied from battle. He turns to fall upon his sword in belief that he was the one who caused my wounds. As I turn to mine as well I hear mocking laughter in the distance.

1 comment:

caleefu said...

So many things hit us all from every angle. It is hard at times not to feel like a target in some cruel game. But then I remember Job and the questioning of God stops. It may feel unfair and spiteful. Yet who are we to question the purposes of an almighty God. Yet the hurting remains.