but I seek it, I run toward it.
I cry and wonder where everyone is,
when I am the one who has gone.
I look for a constant and find only one,
and he will never let go.
He tells me of new places,
shows me things I never could have dreamed.
I yearn for it at the same time I hide.
It pulls me, it scares me,
I crawl back to the box I used to fit into
but I really want to fly.
I move forward into the unknown
with a hope burning within.
For the life I was told I should want
is nowhere to be found.
life - a synopsis of my last ten years...
so many times I feel I take hold of the major changes in my life but then tend to hide from smaller, more everyday opportunities.
My recent move to San Francisco has been a wonderful, but challenging experience and I find myself asking, I'm here, now what...
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