

A young guy came up to me yesterday and asked me for a band-aid, actually two. I was in the middle of patching up my own shoe torn ankles. He spoke quietly and I didn't understand much of what he said. I wanted to say, "I have to go" but it seemed he had heard too many "sorrys" that day. He didn't ask for money but had no place to sleep and nothing to stay warm. We walked, now that our feet didn't hurt as much, and talked about his struggles with faith. I listened and shared what I knew. But he didn't ask for much, just two band-aids for his feet.


caleefu said...

I think really that is all anyone really wants. A band aid to help with the healing. The time spent with him is more needed.

Anonymous said...


U write beautifully! I'm so proud of you! Know that you have so many talents and beauty in you. And you have so much to offer to those around you. Don't ever let anyone put you down. Ever.
Your biggest fan,

Anonymous said...

This is delightful!!

Tracy A. Wieler said...

protection for healing is important and time.

thank you charissa. I enjoy writing like this, it seems very natural to me.

thanks mle, glad you enjoy :)