

The other day I was told of a woman who had forgone using all cleansing/beauty products. No shampoo for her hair, no soap for her body, plain and simple water. Sounds rather unpleasant, but apparantly after about a month and a half everything seemed to balance out. Her hair had never been healthier or more radiant and her skin never clearer.

I'm hesitant to put away the body soap & deodorant but everything neck up I can do. It seems to be a counter-intuitive approach to beauty, but that is where my life is at right now; counter-intuitive all the way. So I am going to try it and see where it goes.


Anonymous said...

let me know if this really works - can y0ou imagine how much money people could save just in not having to buy Shampoo and conditioner alone.

Tracy A. Wieler said...

that's what I was thinking. plus packing light would become much more feasible